Declare Nothing!

I had never intended to have more than a few close friends on Facebook but over the years, my friends list has jumped from a few to over 700. I hesitate to write about this lest someone feel they are being singled out. But rest assured, posts like this are quite common. Posts like this... "I don't understand why people feel the need to spend their time drinking and creating drama! You may think you can talk trash about my kids and I but I don't have time for drama! I have a life to live and don't have time for this kind of crap....." Okay! Nice! Kudos to them for recognizing it and making a choice for themselves. But obviously they do have time for it because they just spent their precious life energy and time keeping it going. Three days later, another such post and soon it becomes evident that not only is this a pattern, but they are a part of the drama if not the cause. Happy fulfilled p...