Declare Nothing!
I had never intended to have more than a few close friends on Facebook but over the years, my friends list has jumped from a few to over 700. I hesitate to write about this lest someone feel they are being singled out. But rest assured, posts like this are quite common. Posts like this...
"I don't understand why people feel the need to spend their time drinking and creating drama! You may think you can talk trash about my kids and I but I don't have time for drama! I have a life to live and don't have time for this kind of crap....."
Okay! Nice! Kudos to them for recognizing it and making a choice for themselves. But obviously they do have time for it because they just spent their precious life energy and time keeping it going. Three days later, another such post and soon it becomes evident that not only is this a pattern, but they are a part of the drama if not the cause. Happy fulfilled people don't have time for this because they are busy living their life passions. And they are living their passions because they disallowed people with drama to take residence in their lives to begin with. Many of these posts appear to be targeted at one or more individuals whom they must still have on their friend list, or the offenders friends or family can see it and tell the target, or the post is public in hopes the target will creep the authors Facebook and see it. Maybe they are even hoping for a response back. Either way, they are keeping the drama going and not investing in their own passion and happiness.
As long as one participates in this type of communication and declaration, he or she is holding themselves back from ever achieving anything greater. When others see this type of stuff, the healthy stay away and the unhealthy flock in like a dog rolling in a rotting carcass. The drama-laden smell the rot and run to roll in it while would-be positive friends smell the same rot and run in the opposite direction.
If you want a fast track to improving your life, a good place to start is to stop speaking of and posting about the drama of others - even if you feel you have been wronged. Remove these people from your life quietly! No explanation or declaration needed! When healthy, fun-loving people see you out there doing and talking about your passions and hobbies, and they share a common interest, they will flock your way to have someone to share that with.
You have far more power than you realize about who and what you attract into your life and your own ability to reach your life passions and goals. You can miss the boat by believing these things are for the lucky when, in reality, it starts with what comes out of your mouth and the energy you project to the world. Posts like this are intended to declare, "I'm not a drama person!" but sadly, the only message it sends is, "Drama here! Allow me in to your life and I'll give you a run for your money!" It is evident that those who post like that are attempting to get rid of drama - again kudo's to them - but they are only inadvertently drawing it to themselves.

If you dream of living your best-self then it is very important to streamline your energy to what you want, not what you don't want! Don't miss out on your life blessings by being too distracted to notice the gift because you're doing the drama monkey dance with someone who has no business in your life to begin with and, meanwhile, you're stomping your blessings into the mud. If you see those posts, resist the urge to roll in the rotting carcass. If you post like this, stop! "In quietness and in confidence is my strength!" (Isaiah 30:15) There is no fighting with silence. Focus your efforts on your own future well-being so that you will one-day soon be able to enjoy the return-of-investment for time and energy well spent.
"I don't understand why people feel the need to spend their time drinking and creating drama! You may think you can talk trash about my kids and I but I don't have time for drama! I have a life to live and don't have time for this kind of crap....."

As long as one participates in this type of communication and declaration, he or she is holding themselves back from ever achieving anything greater. When others see this type of stuff, the healthy stay away and the unhealthy flock in like a dog rolling in a rotting carcass. The drama-laden smell the rot and run to roll in it while would-be positive friends smell the same rot and run in the opposite direction.
If you want a fast track to improving your life, a good place to start is to stop speaking of and posting about the drama of others - even if you feel you have been wronged. Remove these people from your life quietly! No explanation or declaration needed! When healthy, fun-loving people see you out there doing and talking about your passions and hobbies, and they share a common interest, they will flock your way to have someone to share that with.
You have far more power than you realize about who and what you attract into your life and your own ability to reach your life passions and goals. You can miss the boat by believing these things are for the lucky when, in reality, it starts with what comes out of your mouth and the energy you project to the world. Posts like this are intended to declare, "I'm not a drama person!" but sadly, the only message it sends is, "Drama here! Allow me in to your life and I'll give you a run for your money!" It is evident that those who post like that are attempting to get rid of drama - again kudo's to them - but they are only inadvertently drawing it to themselves.

If you dream of living your best-self then it is very important to streamline your energy to what you want, not what you don't want! Don't miss out on your life blessings by being too distracted to notice the gift because you're doing the drama monkey dance with someone who has no business in your life to begin with and, meanwhile, you're stomping your blessings into the mud. If you see those posts, resist the urge to roll in the rotting carcass. If you post like this, stop! "In quietness and in confidence is my strength!" (Isaiah 30:15) There is no fighting with silence. Focus your efforts on your own future well-being so that you will one-day soon be able to enjoy the return-of-investment for time and energy well spent.
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